Category: san francisco

San Francisco scorcher law, 1903

Ordinance No. 899

(Approved June 26, 1903)

Regulating the use of bicycles, bicycle tandems and vehicles and machines of similar character on public streets.

San Francisco Scorcher Law - read post for image text

Be it ordained by the People of the City and County of San Francisco as follows:

Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any bicycle … at a rate of speed faster than six (6) miles an hour.

Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any such vehicle upon or along any public street unless the feet of the person riding or driving the same shall be kept upon the pedals thereof at all times while such vehicle is in motion; the practice of “scorching” or “coasting” is hereby prohibited.

Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any such vehicle along the sidewalk of any public street.

Section 4. Every person riding or driving any such vehicle upon or along any public street shall keep to the right of the center of the roadway when approaching or passing other vehicles.

Section 5. Any person who shall violate … this Ordinance … shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred (500) dollars….

Note: $500 in 1903 is worth about $12,000 today.

Image from Eric Fischer, who collects all kinds of interesting data and history about San Francisco Bay Area transportation. Via Jym Dyer, who bought the domain after he fell in love with the word ‘scorcher.’


SF Bay Area Bike Share tweeted this photo of their warehouse this morning.

SF Bay Area Bike Share kiosks

Which for some funny reason reminded me of this.

Dalek Army

Or perhaps these are a little more apropos.

Star Wars clone army

Star Wars Droid Army

Is Bike Share a secret war on cars inflicted on hapless innocents who are hated by the elitist socialists in positions of political power? Or maybe it’s just an easier way to get around the cities of San Jose, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Redwood City and San Francisco.

Lady Fleur shares a few opinions on the bike share bike as she and SVBC staffer Megan Maleck (rhymes with Dalek) took a tour of the South Bay on a demo bike, including one from Yours Truly in which I pronounce the ride is laterally stiff yet vertically compliant.

Wheelie on a Bike Share bike

You can sign up for memberships Right Now at Bay Area Bike Share. It appears the special Founding Members keys are still available.

Bike theft has the attention of a San Francisco Supervisor; hearing Thursday morning

San Francisco Supervisor Eric Mar commissioned the county Budget & Legislative Analyst office to study the impact of bike theft in San Francisco. His office scheduled a hearing on the problem of bike theft for tomorrow morning, Thursday, July 18 2013, 10 AM at City Hall, room 250. Representatives from the San Francisco Department of Public Works, San Francisco police, and other agencies will be on-hand to discuss what has been done and hear about ideas for ways to reduce bike theft. The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition asks members of the public to share their stories and show support for increased efforts to reduce theft.
