For my very occasional series on bicycle advocacy, I interviewed Barb Chamberlain last December. Barb is Executive Director of Washington Bikes (nee the Bicycle Alliance of Washington, the bicycle advocacy organization for the state of Washington.
For my very occasional series on bicycle advocacy, I interviewed Barb Chamberlain last December. Barb is Executive Director of Washington Bikes (nee the Bicycle Alliance of Washington, the bicycle advocacy organization for the state of Washington.
Bob Parlee custom builds sweet carbon fiber bikes. He began in 2000 building ultralight road racing frames. In this video interview he talks about the bike that made him famous and his work on carbon fiber.
I interviewed Bike Snob NYC a little while back, and this interview will appear in the May issue of a bike magazine (which, as of this writing, is not yet available, which is probably my fault since I’m the one who heartlessly made the editor stay up late with a bad head cold because I was late with my draft, but maybe this weekend so stay sharp). I’ll tell you that I found Mr Weiss’s voice to be only a little adenoidal.
So here’s a little scavenger hunt for you. The first to correctly answer both questions correctly wins the prize!
This morning I spoke with Michael Dubrow, the producer of “Major The Movie.”