Do you own this bike bell? It may be subject to a recall.
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission and Do It Best Corporation of Fort Wayne, IN are recalling this bike bell because of excessive lead in the red paint. The bells are manufactured by the Botou Baite Bike Bell Co. Ltd., of Botou City, China. (A factory that just makes bike bells?) Return the bell to the store (either Dollar General or Do It Best Hardware) for a refund.
Crap…I ate the red paint as it chipped off. What do I do now?
=v= I have two of these bells, only in black instead of red. The only red was the ♡, and that's faded away, leaving “I MY BIKE.”
Yep, me too. Are yours also self-ringing?
Actually, my red heart faded, too. One of my coworkers thought it would be funny to draw a tiny penis in its place (“I f$%k My Bike”). Hardee har har…
My coworkers suck.
Or you could just keep your bike bell and be happy. Unless you of course plan to scrape the paint off of like 50 bike bells and then eat it there really isn't a problem . The whole led paint thing is some truly ignorant business.