I’ve been in training this week learning the ins and outs of Fortify Software’s source code analysis and audit tools. Think of it as Lint running on Java.
When I’m not sitting in class or spending time with the family, I’ve been putting the miles on the bike. I hope you have been too.
Bicycle News
Welcome to Hoogerland. Population: Heroes.
We report, you decide: Fox Business News says that a public space encouraging an active lifestyle encourages healthy behavior.
Golden Gate Bridge reduces bicycle traffic capacity in half, with predictable results.
EcoVelo with a Foot in each camp re vehicular cycling vs separated facilities.
The exquisite irony of the House GOP Transpo Bill.
Go figure: Air pollution leads to brain damage and insanity.
More heart risk factors for cyclists in traffic than cyclists away from traffic.
Planetizen on Cycling: stuff white people do.
NPR: More roads leads to more traffic (surprise surprise).
Vancouver wants more women on bikes. The image credit incorrectly says “Stock Image” — I’m the photographer.
NYT: Click if you see a female cyclist in Manhattan.
Bizarre bike fatality: man falls into uncovered construction hazard and dies.
Motor home driver hits Watsonville cyclist with side mirror, flees the scene.
Carnage and Insanity: Driver intentionally goes the wrong way on Highway 17 and commits murder. There’s no word if the victim in the 1999 Chrysler Concorde was wearing a helmet or had her lights on when Eric Rsel Weers allegedly veered into her.
Vanderbilt: Problem drivers are problem people.
Good on Carmageddon.
Back to class for me! Have a good one.
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