Monday bike blogs recap

Happy Monday.

Four days of bike racing finished up yesterday up in Redlands California. Visit the Redlands Classic website for race results and highlights videos.

My pal Ross now runs Velo Reviews.

Today’s Rate My Velo photo of the day is of this woman with a red umbrella I shot in Taiwan. Is it bragging if I tell you my photos were photo of the day on both Sunday and Saturday as well?

Cycling Taiwan - Day 5

Those half price Pinarello Dogma bicycles you might be tempted to buy online are counterfeits.

Oldy but goody from Dr. Ian Walker on roadside crate storage. Via Carlton.

Bike advocacy is for wonky nerds only. Via Peter in San Jose.

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic. Bike patrol uses handcuff to “lock” his bicycle. Photo by Ross. Click on photo for large.

Why women don’t ride in Australia?

UK cyclist safety: how to pass other traffic.

South Africa bicycle portraits: “It is modified with extra handle bars here at the back so that I can carry another person.”

Santa Cruz Mountain Bike Festival is this weekend in Aptos, California. There’s very little parking at the venue, so organizers encourage you to bike in. People Power Santa Cruz will provide valet bike parking for attendees.

Grist: Tactical guide for guerrilla urbanism.

Grist again: Pedaling away the health care crisis.

WIRED Gear Factor: Public bike air pumps could help civilize cities.

PPW bike lane poll shows most people really like it.

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