Tuesday is bicycle jobs posting day around here.
Fairfax County, Virginia seeks Transportation Planner to “assist the county’s bicycle and pedestrian program managers,” among other duties.
Advanced Sports International (the holding company behind Breezer, Fuji, Kestrel, Terry, SE and Oval) is hiring a web designer in Philadelphia.
Director of Systems Development for Performance Bikes in Chapel Hill.
SRAM is still looking for an embedded systems electrical engineer in Chicago to “design wireless battery-powered embedded systems for product lines in the bicycle industry.”
Some guy in New Yorks says he’ll give you a quick ten bucks to steal his own bike.
Bicycle parking intern at Active Transportation Alliance in Chicago.
“Psychological Thriller” movie needs an 18 year old bicycle girl.
TreeFortBikes in Ypsilanti hiring a bicycle enthusiast.
Bike Mechanic needed at Grand Canyon National Park for a busy bike rental operation.
Bicycle summer camp coach in San Ramon, CA.
Event & Catering Manager for YWCA in Downtown Fort Worth. ” Must have ability to … ride a bicycle.”
Ride your bike around Manassas Virginia to kill mosquitoes.
PUBLIC Bikes hiring bicycle assemblers in Oakland (near Jack London Square). $12/hour.