The Santa Cruz County planning department are in the process of creating a Transit Corridors Plan for parts of unincorporated Santa Cruz County to establish a community-based vision for a more sustainable way-of-life.
The study will focus on land use, urban design, and transportation options along transit corridors in Live Oak, Soquel, and Aptos, shown in pink in the above map. The results from this process will be broadly applicable to communities throughout the county according to county planners. The Plan will integrate the County’s land use and transportation policies in a way that protects environmental resources, supports economic growth, and increases access to opportunity for all County residents.
“Transit corridor” refers to places where the pattern of development supports alternative forms of transportation, including public transit, biking, and walking. A transit corridor contains a density of development to support high quality transit service, and a diversity of land uses to encourage walking and biking to destinations. A transit corridor is also well connected to regional employment centers, and possesses urban design characteristics that are safe and attractive for pedestrians. Transit corridors provide opportunities for communities to increase housing choices, strengthen the local economy, and protect important environmental resources.
The result of this process so far is an Existing Conditions Report, and the county have held several stakeholder meetings and community outreach events. One of these public meetings occurs tonight at the Zayante Fire Station at 7700 E. Zayante Rd in Felton, CA from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.