Diane Harkey’s AB 738 to indemnify public agencies and their workers from design defects on any road with a bike lane has been removed from the Assembly Judiciary Committee hearings calendar. I’m not really sure what this mean, though I can speculate that maybe the sponsoring legislator is considering pulling the bill after hearing how unpopular this is with cyclists and others concerned with public safety?
Dickinson’s AB 206 to allow 3-bike capacity racks on Sacramento transit buses passed the California Assembly on April and was read in the Senate.
AB 417 to exempt certain bicycle projects from the CEQA passed the Assembly Natural Resources Committee and has been passed along to the Appropriations Committee, where Jennifer Galehouse has prepared a legislative analysis for that committee. As background for AB 417, Galehouse notes Rob Anderson’s successful challenge to San Francisco’s bicycle plan using California’s environmental review law.
There are no changes on the other bills I’m tracking since my last update on April 9.
AB 1194, Safe Routes to School, passed Assembly Transportation on Monday, but for some reason the bill tracking has not indicated this yet.