Crazy busy at work but still lots of bike stuff to talk about. Here’s what going on.

- Santa Clara County (CA) Roads Expressways Plan 2040 meeting TONIGHT, 6 to 8 PM at the
Los GatosLos Altos Youth Center, 1 North San Antonio Road. As far as I can tell, there has been zero cyclist input on this plan. The next (and final) meeting takes place February 16 in Morgan Hill. After that, cyclists will finally have their say beginning in March with BPAC meetings, but it takes time to pore over these plans to make any kind of informed comment. Please show up if you can and take notes! - San Jose bike commuter meetup 8:20(-ish) AM to about 9 AM next Wednesday, January 22 at Bel Bacio Coffee in Little Italy. We’re timing this for people who arrive in San Jose on Caltrain 314 or 216 and bike north on the Guadalupe River Trail. Bel Bacio is located just off of the trail between St John and West Julian Streets. Look for the Piazza Piccola Italia sign and turn into that to get to the coffee. Don’t worry about the “No Trespassing” sign – if you have business in Little Italy, you’re welcome to cut through this plaza.
- Caltrain celebrates 150 years of Peninsula commuter rail service this Saturday, January 18, 2014 with a Santa Clara Celebration from 11 AM to 3 PM and a special 150th Anniversary free ride train.
- Speaking of Caltrain, the Joint Powers Board approved the tentative purchase of surplus Bombardier bi-level coaches from Metrolink in the Los Angeles area. The “Bomb” cars are the more modern low-floor cars used by Caltrain (vs the older, box shaped Nippon Sharyo “Gallery” cars). Pending a few other things, Caltrain anticipates using these to run six car “Bomb” sets to expand passenger capacity. Show up at Caltrain JPB and BPAC meetings ASAP and speak up now to ask Caltrain to make these cars bike accessible. Watch Green Caltrain for meeting schedule.
- San Jose Bike Party Fur and Feathers Ride Friday at 8 PM. This coincides with the world’s largest convention of “furries”, which begins tonight at the San Jose Convention Center.
- Las Vegas developers use bicycling as a selling point.
- Did you know it’s illegal to store bikes in your San Francisco garage?
My daughter started a scooter train and now more kids ride scooters to school. I'm so proud of her!
— Zak (@SchwankyTown) January 10, 2014
- Prediction for the 2014 bike market. Lots to chew on here. Via Lady Fleur.
- The February issue of the British Journal of Sports Medicine says that inactivity the greatest public health problem of 21st century.
- 2014 spending bill: TIGER gets 20% funding boost.
- Topeak mini pump doubles as a bicycle light. CR 2032 batteries, though.
- What happens if you crash a kid-laden box bike? Nothing much, it turns out.
- Someday I’ll have time to write about Colorado’s first diverging diamond interchange.
- WSJ: Bike lanes are good for business.
- Bike signals get the green light from the MUTCD committee.
- A study on pedestrian and bicyclist compliance to traffic signals.
Intersections are hotspots for vehicle-pedestrian conflicts, which is confirmed by the Federal Highway Administration’s estimate that nearly one in five pedestrian fatalities occur at intersections in the U.S. Since both signalized and non-signalized intersections are conflict points for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists, it is essential that traffic control methods ensure that safety is not compromised.
The presence of Rest in Walk and Pedestrian Recall on minor street pedestrian phases, which operate concurrently with major street vehicle phases, was found to encourage higher pedestrian and bicyclist compliance rates than their absence.
“Rest In Walk” means walk signal is lit on the major street while the major street signal is green, changes to flashing “Don’t Walk” when vehicle on minor street approaches the intersection. “Pedestrian Recall” means the “Walk” signal is always lit when the traffic light is green. For both of these, there’s no need for the pedestrian to push a beg button.
- There are no jaywalkers on a sustainable street. Amen.
- 4:30 AM pedestrian fatality on Highway 17.
- Elderly man on scooter hit by car in Pacifica.
- Ford F-250 vs electric motorcycle not far from my home in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
- Road rage in Bellevue, WA. Two maniacs on the road collided with each other multiple times over a distance of several miles on I-90. From the news story: “Police say a 2-year-old boy in his car was not hurt.”
- Somebody drives car into a Hayward, CA church.
- Felony charges for a San Jose man in Livermore hit & run.
- This vintage trailer museum sounds kind of cool.
- $39 million rock shed for Highway 1 in Big Sur.
Tonight’s expressway meeting is at the Los Altos Youth Center, not Los Gatos
Thank you, corrected.