Happy Friday, all. For most U.S. residents, don’t forget you lose an hour of sleep this weekend.
Beyond that, there’s honestly more bike news than I can keep up with, but here are a few quick items of note below the photo of traffic on California State Route 17.

- The Devil’s Slide Trail in San Mateo County, California is scheduled to open on March 22.
- A Sister City bike ride with the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Ireland takes place Sunday morning starting from San Jose City Hall. All are welcome.
- It’s been a while, but I and others have commented in the past on the passive journalism so common in car crash reports, in which writers seem to go out of their to avoid the appearance of responsibility on the part of a driver whose involved in a wreck. From the convoluted language in this report of a Highway 17 crash, I can’t even tell if somebody was behind the wheel of the car.
A red Volkswagon [sic] Jetta was just south of Granite Creek Road when it went off the roadway and struck a tree with the front of the car before hitting a second tree on the driver’s side.
From this description, I picture a giant spring somewhere in Los Gatos, California launching red Volkswagens towards Santa Cruz. Cars bounce among bumpers and slings like 3000 pound pinballs. Most of the time the cars make it over the hill to their target, but sometimes the big pinball player in the sky nudges the pinball game too far, tilting the machine and game over for the car and its hapless occupants.
A pro-Russian activist rides a bicycle decorated with a Russian and the Russian Navy flags in the center of Sevastopol on March 7, 2014. The city council of Crimea’s port city of Sevastopol, which houses Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, voted on March 6 to join Russia effective immediately and break all links with Ukraine. AFP PHOTO/ VIKTOR DRACHEV - In my post about Mountain Charlie Road earlier today, I broke the video embed. That’s fixed now. Sorry about that.