Today is the deadline to file my (and your) U.S. Federal tax returns. I filed some time back. For purposes of full disclosure, I’ll reveal that I netted a whopping $86 from affiliate sales and advertising on this website in 2013. Woo hoo, I’m rich!
Bicycle news, links, etc below the photo of the 70-year-old roleur passing me on the infamous 16% grade on “A” Road into Laguna Seca near Monterey, California last weekend.
Bike To Work Month / Week / Day is coming up in many areas of the United States. For the San Francisco, we’ll do this on Thursday, May 8. Janet instructs us in the No Sweat Way to Bike to Work in the Mountain View (CA) Voice.
IKEA branded cargo bikes?
[Ad] A singlespeed fat tire bike available online for only $300.
Full suspension fat bikes from Salsa.
Bike Hugger reports from Sea Otter.
Andrew Boone’s focus on the Pacific Coast of San Mateo County, California continues in this discussion on county highway funding and transportation alternatives.
Bikes For the Rest of Us on the Xtracycle Edgerunner.
A profitable bike share program in Boston.
I obviously don’t publish this blog to make money. I hope the contents herein encourage you to personal advocacy in your region. If you need to buy bicycle supplies and books online, however, I do appreciate a click through to my Amazon affiliate store.
Bonus respect for making a photo on a 16% grade.