Category: louisiana

Louisiana town seeks to ban bicycles

Update 9/10/2007: Kudos to Frank for the additional details. According to this earlier news article, skateboards, roller blades, roller skates and bicycles will be prohibited in the entire city of New Llano except on private property. This is so stunningly anti-American I don’t know what to say. The phone number at New Llano city hall is +1 (337) 239-3670. The councilman who introduced the proposed ordinance, Democrat Charles Balthrop, is at +1 (337) 238-1216.

The details are sketchy, but according to the Leesville (LA) Daily Leader, the city council of New Llano, Louisiana apparently wants to ban bicycling anywhere in the town.

The news article focuses on the plight on Curtis Scott, for whom bicycling is his only mode of transportation. Scott also notes, “Laws like these are what gives a town a bad name. Just think of all of the kids who aren’t going to be able to go out and play now. There are a lot of older people who like to ride their bikes for leisure and many of these people probably choose to live in New Llano because it is a small town and there is low crime.”

It’s too late to call the city office for comment on this. I’ll give it a shot on Monday.