Friday roundup

Happy Friday, all! Rain and cool weather have arrived in Santa Cruz and the San Francisco Bay Area. By March or so I’ll be sick of it, but for now it’s a refreshing change as I ride my bike on wet roads.

Bikes in the blogs…

Stroboscopic image of girl wearing culottes, kneesocks & loafers riding bicycle

Newby look at bike shops in the Wall Street Journal. The journalist — an admitted non-cyclist — looks for inexpensive path & pavement bikes at Performance, Sports Authority, REI, and Gregg’s Greenlake Cycle in Seattle, WA. Via.

This WSJ article about data mining and life insurance premiums. Life insurance companies can use consumer information on individuals to calculate their risk for lifestyle hazards. “Insurers are looking for healthy people,” says Leslie Scism in this story, with insurers preferring people with active lifestyles and healthy diets. “People who spend time on the web visiting sites focused on sports activity” [*KOFF* such as CYCLELICIOUS *KOFF*] may get preferred rates on their life insurance.

Happy 150th birthday to the world’s oldest bike shop!

PDX: Free coffee for trackstanding cyclists.

Save the planet, ban bike helmets.

Biking Bis: 11 bike themed Calendars from erotic to exotic.

Urban Velo: Drunk cop kills a teen cyclist.

Boulder Bike Share coming May 2011. They’ll spend $250,000 for 200 bikes at 25 stations. (Compare to $7.9 million San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties have allocated for a proposed 1,000 bikes at a scattered handful of kiosks up and down the SF Peninsula.) More at GO Boulder.

WIRED Gadget Lab tries Renovo R4 wood frame bicycle.

GRIST: Mobile bike vendors can bring dead urban spaces to life.

Bracelet for photography nerds.

FSA Recall: crank can break.

Remember: Call your life insurance agent and tell him or her that you read CYCLELICIOUS.


  1. The article on bike shops mentions that stores require a credit card and a waiver for a test ride. I’ve never had to do that before. Is that normal?

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