Cars R Coffins: As of Monday morning, the California Highway Patrol reports 24 traffic deaths statewide over this 2011 Memorial Day holiday weekend.
The CHP, which collects traffic crash statistics from all California law enforcement agencies, reported 24 deaths on California roads between last Friday evening and Monday night, up from the 17 fatalities recorded last Memorial Day. Two pedestrians lost their lives over the weekend in traffic, and one motorcyclist was killed. No cyclists died while riding on California roads or highways over the weekend.
22 bicycle and motorcycle ‘incidents’ were captured by @CHPBIKE over this weekend. The first occurred at a gas station in Hayward in the East Bay. The last one happened at a Highway 65 onramp in Porterville in Tulare County. @CHPBIKE automatically monitors Highway Patrol dispatches for cycling incidents and reports those dispatches to Twitter in near real time.
The California Highway Patrol made 1367 DUI arrests statewide over the weekend, down from 1,541 arrests that were made last year.