I’m on my way to Las Vegas for Interbike today, but that won’t stop me from posting the usual Hump Day links to bike news and bike blogs.
New Boston bike share exceeds expectations.
Girls on bikes (and it wasn’t at all what I expected)
Los Angeles eliminates a car lane to create a bike lane.
350 9/11 first responders on a 540 mile pilgrimage by bike.
New York City to announce bike share.
Bikehacks: DIY grocery panniers for about $4.
A bike with a built in USB port.
Elly Blue visits San Jose.
Mama Bicycle: Gilded bike.
Recall on my favorite child trailer.
UC Berkeley students kick of bicycle commute campaign.
University of Minnesota uses RFID tracking to reward bike riders. They claim this is a first; schools in Boulder, CO and Longmont, CO have been using RFID to encourage bike trips to school since 2005 or so with very good results.
the Weehoo trailer would be my favorite too expect ironically won’t work with my recumbent bike…