Bike lane petition Monterey County for a road between Marina and Salinas. I’m personally ambivalent about a four inch vs six inch stripe, but the Farm Bureau’s official opposition to this project just seems petty to me. Might be noteworthy that California’s mandatory bike lane law applies if the stripe is six inches wide, whereas it does not for a four inch strip of paint.
More bike news below the fold.

The Urban Country on Avid Cycling Clothing. See also Five Ways to Look Good On a Bike featuring Mr David Millar dressed like a California bike commuter on a Cervelo S5.
The Dirty Dozen Pittsburgh steep hill bike race. Via Ed.
“Lexus would have us believe that car payments and insurance premiums are the perfect Christmas gift.”
How London tried (and failed) to become a cycling city.
Nobody rides bikes in St. Louis.
Cute photo: Bike mechanic gets cozy with his dog.
Bicycle Kick: This bike uses soccer balls for wheels.
Carlton’s writing a book about the history of roads.
Paid $60 for a Dahon. Makes me wonder if it was stolen.
Bar pushes plowed snow from parking lot into nearby bike trail; man on bicycle hits the snow, slips and falls; bar ordered to pay $50,000. The park district that owns the path pays another $50K to the bike rider.
How do you spell relief? Adrienne spells it B I C Y C L E.
Don’t forget to watch for the One Good Earbud giveaway on Wednesday morning.