Streetfilms showcases the amazing bike share system in Hangzhou, China.
Hangzhou’s bike share with 50,000 bicycles at 2,000 bike kiosks and an astonishing quarter million trips is operated by the city public transportation agency. Near the city center, bike share locations are spaced about a thousand feed apart, and Hangzhou bike share is so popular “I don’t think there is anywhere you can stand in Hangzhou for more than a minute or two where you wouldn’t have a Hangzhou Public Bike go past you,” says Bradley Schroeder of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.
Because Hangzhou’s bike share is integrated into public transit, bus fare also gets you 90 free minutes on the bike. It looks like they use a smart card system to rent the bikes. Maybe this is something SFMTA should consider for their proposed $7 million San Francisco Bay Area regional bike share?
Seen first by me at Utility Cycling.