“Pass With Care / Share the Road, People.” Seen on the back of a Lextran bus.

Lextran is the county operated public transit service for Lexington, Kentucky. The city says they want to see more people on bikes, more people walking and more motorists that are aware of the rights of bicyclists and pedestrians.
The state of Kentucky doesn’t have a three foot passing law on the books, but the state driving manual and this “share the road” campaign give decent 3 foot passing guidance.
In addition to these bus ads and billboards, the city distributes “share the road” information to drivers entering seat belt checkpoints, drivers exiting city-owned parking garages, and University of Kentucky students and staff registering for campus parking passes and bikes. Two car washes in the area also distribute this information to their customers. The local police even encourage cyclists to call in to report harassment incidents.
I’m normally not a big fan of “share the road” signs, but I like it when it’s accompanied by education campaigns like this.
Photo courtesy of Rob in Kentucky.
3 feet? Meh. That’s barely passable (pardon the pun). And the drawing shows 3 feet measured from the car’s fender to my thigh, not counting my elbow or the car’s mirror. Do you really want that bus passing you by just 3 feet?
I want them to change lanes to pass.