Category: advocacy

Santa Clara County bike plan update

Silicon Valley Cyclist: You can be involved in bicycle advocacy!

The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Agency (VTA) in California will begin updating their County Bicycle Plan this month at the BPAC meeting scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, June 10, 2015. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee encourages the public to attend next Wednesday’s workshop to discuss the bike plan and the county road department plans to expand expressways.

VTA BPAC meeting June 10 2015


Sunnyvale: NIMBYs threaten Stevens Creek Trail extension

The cities of Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Los Altos and Cupertino in California plan to extend the Stevens Creek Trail, connecting Mountain View’s popular five mile long trail with the one mile Stevens Creek Trail south of Stevens Creek Boulevard in Cupertino.

Stevens Creek Trail w/ cyclists and walkers

An obstructionist group euphemistically calling themselves “Citizens for Responsible Trails” have packed the first two of three public input meetings to register their strong opposition to this trail. Friends of Stevens Creek Trail have sent an appeal asking those who support the trail to give their input to the cities and attend these meetings if possible.


Santa Clara Tasman Drive road diet threatened

Tuesday night, the city of Santa Clara city council will consider a proposed lane reduction / road diet project for Tasman Drive between Lick Mill Boulevard and Old Ironsides Drive. The proposed project will reduce Tasman from the current six lanes down to four general purpose lanes, replacing the outside lanes with buffered bike lanes.

The photo below shows the typical heavy traffic on Tasman at Lick Mill. Due to heavy complaints from the public after the Pruneridge road diet, some council members have expressed reluctance about approving a similar project for Tasman.

Patriotic Tandem
