Don’t recover your stolen bike, Bro

Man shot at after recovering stolen bike.

A man was driving home from the Capitola Mall when he saw a man riding what he believed was his older son’s bike on Portola Drive. He turned his vehicle around to chase the bike thief. When he confronted the bike thief, the thief dropped the bike and ran away. The man started riding the bike home but a truck pulled up alongside him, words were exchanged and someone in the truck fired three shots from what the father believed was a small-caliber gun.

More –> Santa Cruz Sentinel: Live Oak father shot at while retrieving son’s stolen bike. Via Bicycle Notes.


  1. F Santa Cruz, man. It used to be one of the prettiest places on Earth, but now it's just a sad, gang-infested, crime-ridden, drug-laden hell hole. 🙁

  2. What i don't get is that he ran home, after being refused entry to a house. Wouldn't it be faster to ride the bike home?

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