1. Put the rear wheel in the slot and run the cable through the tie-down, the rear wheel, and the frame.

  2. I took the photo when I was doing field work for Chicago Heights’s upcoming bike parking plan I’m writing for Active Transportation Alliance. I love encountering odd and whacky bike racks like this one.

    As I do in all of my bike parking plans for Chicagoland municipalities, I explain best practices in bike locking and why some bike racks are not sufficient for good locking (you don’t want the rack to be the bad link in a locking scheme).

  3. Still better than the rack at my own local library – it is secured to the ground by two finger-tight nuts.

    Faced with the rack in the photo, I’d go across the lot and use that light pole with my u lock.

  4. Interesting bike rack concept. I guess I’d park there, but locking my bike with a U-Lock would be tricky. Looks like a cable lock would be the preferred method using this rack.

  5. No. What’s needed is a pole that is securely anchored to the ground and can keep the bike from being easily lifted up over the pole. This way I can fit my 4” inside width of my U-lock around the pole and seat tube through my rear tire then a half inch thick cable extends to my front tire and hooks into my u lock.
    Hal Grades Your Bike Locking 3: The Final Warning!       duration: 6 min. 18 sec.

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