Tag: passings

Ray Bradbury rode a bicycle

Sci-Fi legend Ray Bradbury (RIP) never drove a car and got around by walking or with roller skates, bicycle, and public transportation in Los Angeles.

As a youngster, he witnessed a car wreck and never liked cars after that. He always advocated for non-car transportation, and he described his own life as “Drunk and in Charge of a Bicycle.” Five years ago, he talked with Green Car Journal about the future of transportation:

It’s obvious the automobile is not solving the problem and the freeway is not solving the problem. So, I make the bigger leap of saying we need to provide other means of transportation, which means the monorail that is above traffic. And until we do that, people are going to be increasingly angered by the limitations of the automobile and its inability to function. I’ve read of the idea of monorails north and south over Los Angeles, for instance, and monorails running east and west so that people have an alternative to the bus system.”

We’re talking about eliminating cars here. Cars don’t work in the city. You’ve got to eliminate the cars. It’s the car and the city environment that doesn’t work. It doesn’t matter whether you have hydrogen cars or not. There has got to be other means of transportation.

H/T to Clayton.

Andy Rooney and Toy Safety

From one of Andy Rooney’s observations on newspaper headlines:


Iver Johnson BIcycle Ad 1897

A page one story in the New York Times says toy makers are in big trouble because the government is cracking down on toys that are not safe. I’ve forgotten a lot of the toys I played with as a kid but I think I liked the ones that weren’t safe the best. I should think toy makers could claim that their unsafe toys help kids learn how to be careful.

I got a pogo stick that I loved as a present one Christmas, but I never see pogo sticks anymore. I’ll bet it’s because some parent sued the company that made them when their kid got hurt falling off one. It’s like making cars illegal because there are auto accidents.

My mother was nervous about letting me have a two-wheeled bike but she finally got me one and I never fell off. The move from a three-wheeled bike to a two-wheeler is one of the major steps in a child’s life. I rode my two-wheeled Iver Johnson bike for five years and never had an accident. Of course, I never wore a helmet.

I can see the headline now: ANDY ROONEY BREAKS HIS NECK FALLING OFF A BIKE. Think I’d make page one?

Andy Rooney made page one of the news after passing last night at age 92. RIP.

Stewart Udall’s letter to the grandchildren

Former Interior Secretary and “Defender of Wilderness” Stewart Udall passed at age 90 on March 20. Udall served as Secretary of the Interior for eight years under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. He pushed for the Clean Air, Water Quality, and Clean Water Restoration Acts and Amendments, the Wilderness Act of 1964, the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966.

As a junior Congressman from Arizona, Udall joined the unanimous vote in favor of the landmark Federal Highway Act of 1956 authorizing $25 Billion to create the Interstate Highway System, a decision Udall would later regret. “All of us acted on the shortsighted assumption that cheap oil was super-abundant and would always be available,” he wrote. (more…)