Category: london

Boris wants bikes off the road, TfL says “Not yet”

For those people who ride bikes, London Mayor Boris Johnson reportedly wants to make some bicycle facility use mandatory where available, according to ITV news. Transport for London (TfL) responded to multiple media requests for comment, saying they have no plans to mandate cyclist use of London’s bicycle superhighways.


not your usual bicycle tour

When we say “bicycle tour,” you probably imagine slogging up mountain passes with bulging panniers, but these bicycle tours are more traditional tourism-tours where participants happen to travel by bicycle.

Sustainability Tours from Santa Cruz:

Bicycle the beautiful coast and mountains of Santa Cruz, California. Visit organic farms, sustainable vineyards, and ecological homes. Taste varieties of wines, herb teas, juices, tomatoes, honeycomb, and more.

Bicycle History Tours in San Francisco:

CounterPULSE and Shaping San Francisco director Chris Carlsson conducts ~4-hour historical tours of San Francisco by bicycle. Bring a snack and water, and reserve your spot now! Meet at CounterPULSE, at noon on the dates above.

And for completeness, eleven Bicycle Architecture Tours in London last summer (tip of the hat to The Bike Show from Resonance FM).