Category: Quick news

Hump Day head shaker

Shaking my head is my reaction to this bizarre bit of traffic safety news at How We Drive (originally seen by me through Carson Blume.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson was caught riding his bike again on Tuesday. The bike he rides looks like one of Marin’s hybrid bikes that are fairly popular with the bike commuters I see in the Bay Area.

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Monday News

Happy Monday, all. I took advantage of the break in the rain by busting out the (unfendered) road bike for a faster ride to work. Hopefully I’ll beat the rain before it rolls in this evening.

I saw a fabulous sight this morning in Menlo Park. No, it wasn’t the mini-skirted Derailleur girl Janel pictured here, but a little Chinese woman riding a folding bike down Willow Road with her young son perched on the top tube between her knees. How cool is that? (more…)