I maintain a few maps that show California Highway Patrol dispatch activity. My Highway 17 tracking map got super popular this week, and a few people have asked how to decode the CHP jargon.
Let’s start with an example:
I maintain a few maps that show California Highway Patrol dispatch activity. My Highway 17 tracking map got super popular this week, and a few people have asked how to decode the CHP jargon.
Let’s start with an example:
A few days ago, Tom in Brazil told me about Strava Labs new KOM map tool. You can look at a map of the segments for which you own the KOM and QOM. “Segments” are user-defined routes in Strava by which Strava users can compare themselves against other riders who bike the same route. Whoever has the best time on a segment owns bragging rights as King of the Mountain or Queen of the Mountain. Strava also flags downhill segment winners as KOMs.
This amazing bit of bicycle Strava art has been making the rounds on various social media all day.
Colorado’s Bike to Work Day in late June always confuses everybody else around the nation who do it during National Bike Month in June, but hey, it works for them so go with the flow.
Check it out: Google Maps has added an elevation profile to their bicycle directions. The directions also tell you how much elevation you’ll gain and lose on the selected route.
My bike directions map mashup does the same thing, except it doesn’t work anymore. It looks like the Mapquest part of it is completely broken now. Oh well.
H/T to Revolights on Twitter.