Specialized’s new Turbo pedalec will not be allowed for sale in the UK. 28 MPH maximum exceeds British 15 MPH speed limit for e-bikes.
I saw hints of this from Specialized’s job postings and heard rumors of a Specialized branded e-bike spotted around the area, and now it’s official: Specialized has launched the Turbo, a hot looking electric bike for sporty commuter use.
In Specialized’s lawsuit against Volagi, Specialized was awarded $1 in the breach of contract charge, while the intellectual property accusations were dropped.
It appears Specialized Bicycle’s intellectual property lawsuit against Volagi will be a high profile knockdown dragout as Volagi’s principles use social media to tell their side of the story.
Specialized now sells the ‘multitasking’ Source Eleven for commuting and touring.
Specialized Bicycles teamed up with Formula 1 race car design team McLaren to create the aerodynamic Venge road bicycle.